
Anatomy 13.08.2021


today I'm older
but it's not that important
more days are on the way
don't forget your brain

my friend
will you follow me 2x
until the end
will you follow me 2x

today I'm older
but it's not that important
more days are on the way
don't forget your brain

my friend
will you follow me 2x
until the end
will you follow me 2x

-   0 145 kuuntelua

Warrior 24.05.2015


tässä ois kappaleen sanat...

The fight is over
The fight is on
I'm alone,I'm in cold
The clouds are in the sky
Behind them is our stars and our sun,sun

I'm your warrior who can save you
I'm your warrior who can be with you
I'm your warrior

I know that I'm not perfect
But still,but still give a chance
I can kill everyone for you
and there are then more blood

I'm your warrior who can save you
I'm your warrior who can be with you
I'm your warrior

I'm your warrior who can save you
I'm your warrior who can be with you
I'm your warrior

7   0 238 kuuntelua

Juicebeam 06.10.2017


VÄsäsin joskus....

-   0 148 kuuntelua

In Half 22.05.2015


Tässä ois eka biisi tääl .... eihän ole ikinä mitään täydellistä...

the candle is extinguished
pesky silence around me
and table being crushed
in half, in half

tomorrow is a new day
but then death is closer
the memory in my head
was cut over

in half the world is cut
in half the fear is glad
in half the sky is blue
in half the love is true

tomorrow is a new day
but then death is closer
the memory in my head
was cut over

-   0 333 kuuntelua
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