Among the Departed

Bill Skins Fifth | 20.11.2009 | Metal

Äänitys ja miksaus: Clonework Studio

9.67   2298 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

Thousand days I seeded silverbullets
Hundred times I took away life
Wayward, solution: exterminate
Soldiers, species of extinct

Like the gods in the skies
They point out our faith
They know exactly who lives and dies
No piece of mind
Every restless night
I see those fucking faces again

We sneak through the death, through the enemy lines
We walk among the departed
When the end smiles to us we just smile back
This war, will it take us away?
Take us away!

I was trained to kill
I was trained to win a firefight
I've danced with the death for the most of my life
Now finally my time has come!

Mitään tunne en enää
Turtunut sydän, turtunut mieli lepää
Alta tämän taivaan liityn veljien seuraan
Aika muistot multaa, sotani vaihdan rauhaan
Mitään kadu en, mitään muuttaisi en
Selkä suorana täältä lähden
Pää pystyssä!

We sneak through the death, through the enemy lines
We walk among the departed
When the end smiles to us we just smile back
This war, will it take us away?
Take us away!

Thousand days!
One hundred lives!


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