Torment (live)

BeDimmed | 19.11.2005 | Dark Metal

1000 latausta rikki 17.04.2006!

Live @ Monari, Riihimäki 18.11.2005
Basistia tuurasi Pöysä.

Äänenlaadusta on sitten turha avautua, kyseessä kun on digivideokamerasta otettu ääni.

Säv. J.Lappalainen & J-P.Manner
San. E.Korpi

0.00   2244 plays


[verse 1]
from the corner of my mind
i came to clearly find
things that can forever bind
to this wretched stench you left behind

break my bones on broken oaths
oaths came out now blood out flows
cold waves hit on my wounded skin
bells of death in my head

[verse 2]
from the cradle to your grave
your soul was lost, it cant be saved
your torment reflecting in your eyes
hands trapped behind your back on endless ties

[solo: Ahlström]
[verse 1]


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