Dabul trabul in Kabul

Anustick | 11.01.2007 | Drone

dabul trabul (is a political) in kabul. in near east tomb raiding and grave molestation is still usual, partly because they still have unfound graves there to dig for. a travel agency named dabultrabul offers routes to thousands of tourists that are willing to try the noble art of grave robbing. “there is a load of diamonds waiting for you!”, says the merchandise. death penalty is put amongst those who are caught gathering treasures around afghan sacred and holy ground. “you’ll be stoned like a single mother in afghanistan!” says the warning sign in front of the numerous graveyards of kabul. dabultrabul has evidently been summoned to court by a bunch of dead tourists’ relatives that demand justice because of insufficient information about afghan laws concerning traveling. dabultrabul has refused to take responsibility and claims that missing persons have not even been on it’s routelists. the afghan government does not comment. shub gregoraeek w.l. , the chief executive of dabultrabul holds no comments.

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