Alien - The Warcraft Beat


Eka tekemä biisi missä ei ole mitään muuta kuin omaa tekemää asiaa. Paitsi äänet on tietenkin Warcraft III:sta jonka takia halusinkin kokeilla tälläistä ihmettä. Olkaa hyvä ja kuunnelkaa jos miellyttää.

10.00   589 kuuntelua

Kappaleen sanat

- The Kruisaan.
- Yes, go ahead.
- What the Ice Troll are doing right now is putting heads in a pot.
They have to boil for 20 mintues so the ice can be used in a second dish and ice rasberry sorbey.
- Sounds good.
This is almost too easy. If i hadn't known this mortal resistance so weak, i would have launch this invasion sentries ago.
LUKA! Imbisil. Im the one horsemen of the apocalypse. Dress to kill! BLÄÄÄÄ!
Don't touch me, Im Evil. Im am the ghost of Warcraft past. Talon Druid of the Talon. YESH! Luka!
- Darkness called. But i was on the phone so i missed him. I tried to star 69 darkness, but his machine picked up.
I yelled: PICK UP THE PHONE DARKNESS, but he ignored me. Darkness must have been screening his calls.
- Yes? Darkness hey what's up? Demon Hunter left a message? No i don't have his number.
Im more than a range. Im a night ranger. I wonder why i never run out of arrows.
Is that a sword? Lucre it! Is that a horse? Slaughter! Is that a helmet? Veneti!
Tell Blizzard i make a great action figure! For the end of the World Spell.


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metsäradio 21.08.2009
vituuut niitähän just vaan ja ainoastaaan kannattaa syödä!
0   +1 +2
buranaC 01.07.2006
Selkeesti Attilium-vaikutteista. :D

Niitä pihalla olevia punasia sieniä joissa on valkosia täpliä ei saa syödä...
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