
Aeuk | 22.04.2015 | Death/Grind


Around these times the cooperation (which turned out to be smooth) with Unbird was started. In the beginning the teamwork was perhaps bit hit and miss by both parties, and the soundscapes weren't always the best ones, but even during those early days as relaxing material as this song was born. ;) ... our first cooperative song was probably Death cover done in late 2000.

Vocals (and lyrics): Unbird

0.00   112 plays


night hides so
many scenes sinister
often with premature demise
of the unexpectant participants
It's your act, move along...
ill-prepared for the sudden surprise

steel pierces your throat
taken back by the shock

gargling with your own blood
grinning face behind clenched fists

knife enters once again
to discover new orifices

sounds of coughing, failed screams
nothing you can say
just bleed bleeeeeeed

steel pierces your throat
taken back by the shock
receive another dose of stainless cock


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