The (zombie) underworld

Aeuk | 24.04.2015 | Death Metal


Around the turn of millennium I developed a vocal style which I labelled as "sewer vocals" (as it sounded like some imagined creature living in the sewers). Sang while breathing inwards. The vocal style was inspired by 1) zombie movies and 2) early Fallout games (which have ghouls living underground).

This song is a good example of the sewer vocal style as it gets going. The vocalstyle became pretty much a trademark in metal tracks by Aeuk (when it was Aeuk himself singing) - it was unique vocal style if nothing else.

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It is a place deep beneath
Cavern floors coloured deep red
Stench of ancient grayish flesh
Lairs full of bloody fuckin mess
People above know nothing of this
Until dead and corpses eaten away
Before that they just have to pray
And wait for their personal doomsday

They can only see the skull
Only eating brains makes them full
So they crack up another head
Lay down on their rotting bed

Eat until they are fully fed
After the dinner comes the lunch
Their hunger will go on forever
They will continue 'til the never

This is a normal day in a zombie's life
Eat some human flesh and enjoy the dead
Carve furnitures out of human bones
And to guard their own living zones


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