Doom Metal

Squaring The Circle 29.11.2004


A peek at the individuation process through alchemical-thelemic spectacles.
Can be found on 'Bathos'.

8.68   9 7736 plays
Alternative Metal

Quinotaurus (Twelve Stars In Sight) 29.11.2004


A short yet profound foray into EU politics from 'Bathos'.

8.4   5 4410 plays

Anima 29.11.2004


A mellow and refreshingly somewhat out-of-tune jingle from 'Aarni/Umbra Nihil Split CD'.

9.13   4 3891 plays
Folk Metal

Myrrys 29.11.2004


Folk and metal combine in this shamanistic hit originally from 'Duumipeikon Paluu demo 2002'. A more or less remastered version appears on the Split CD.

9   2 3392 plays
Folk Metal

Lampaan Vaatteissa 29.11.2004


An instrumental tune based on the folk melody "Lampaan Polska" from Demo 2001.

7.25   1 3479 plays
Doom Metal

Reaching Azathoth 29.11.2004


Slow, heavy and Cthulhoid shit from Demo 2001. It also ended up on the Split CD.

9.07   6 4260 plays
Folk Metal

The Weird Of Vipunen 29.11.2004


Folk metal once again. The song deals with the epic mishaps of the ur-shaman Vipunen and appears on 'Duumipeikon Paluu' demo.

8   2 3137 plays
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