
Harmonic 26.06.2006


Here is my last night's oldest classical i've done, about 6 or 7 years old...and it has some Bach influens. Drum-machines are lame i know but so is my mixing.. :D but these are only demo versions so that's it..there's also guitarmasturbation in the end, enjoy :D

8   0 552 kuuntelua
Instrumental Rock

First child feelings 10.04.2006


Improvised bluesrock based on feelings i had when my 1st child came home...took me 2-3hours to record/compose this weird shit...most of time went to drums (programming) no bass track (yet) :D ...10.04.2006 i found the " E.J.A.S " singing that i recorded when she was 5 days old.....bass track is coming...

8.67   0 486 kuuntelua

Rain 23.05.2006


Here is a clip from a song i wrote 2-3 years ago with piano....when i get my 1st instrumental record done youll here the complete version..this clip is used also in another project that im in...there it's a gig intro :D

8.67   1 497 kuuntelua
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