
By Myself 17.05.2022


Tarkoitus ollut tehdä biisi per kuukausi. No nyt ei ihan käynyt niin. Joten, tein paniikkitemput ja äkkiseltään jotain, jotta päätös pitää. Itse olen ihmeellisen ylpeä, mutta kuuntelioiden ei kannata pidellä edes kiveksiään. Tällä biisillä on mysteeri tapa tehdä kuuntialstaan joko munattoman, tai vaihtoehtoisesti koko idea lepattaa tuonne jonnekin. Saat päättää itse!

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Music As We Know It (Whispers From Beyond Edit) 10.04.2022


I don't like to think "what if", so I'd like to challenge my former self pretty soon after first release.

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Come Take My Hand (Let's Nyt Vaan Nussitaan Nääs Edit) 10.04.2022


Everything and nothing but. Just wanted to do something to looking forward to this spring

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Three Steps From Tear 07.03.2022


Reilu kuukausi siihen meni ja vaikeeta oli. Tarina nimen takaa kertoo, että ihmiset ovat aivan liian vakavia, eikä ystävällisyys ole enää itsestäänselvyys. Kaikkialla kiire, ahdistus ja tärkeysjärjestys, Kaiken kikkaraksi ihmiset ovat ihan vitun idiootteja!

Oli miten oli, ei muuta kuin kohti parempaa Tuonelaa!

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Melodic Trance

In the End 06.02.2022


There's always something in the end.

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Where Are You (Are You Here Edit) 02.10.2021


Most personal track to this day. I just wonder; where are you?

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September Tear (intercourse edit) 20.09.2021


I wanted to do something more from the last track. I think it needed a touch of melody and a hint of love to be somewhat complete.

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September Tear 13.09.2021


Try to something different, but it came up a way from that. In the end it seems to be something club-ish. Hopefully you like, because want to do something like this, but not just yet and with this track. This just turn up so weird, but I think it went ok.

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Where Are You? 12.09.2021


Didn't meant to release anything till somewhere next month, but then this old saved melody got my ear when loading old projects and trying to think next main project. Well, this is not main, but I will get back to this at some point.

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Melodic Trance

Have You Ever Loved? 12.09.2021


I started to try something with the new Beatbox Pro. Some beats and stuff.. It went okay and then I started to build melody and chords around the beats. That went also okay if you ask me. In the end; here we are. Totally myself made track to getting better and try harder.

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Here I am (walking past by) 28.08.2021


There's no decent story behind the track. All I can tell is that I wanted to do something and dozens of starts, I chose this.

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You're good enough (always) 25.08.2021


This was hard to do. I didn't actually know what I want. I just started to do and went with a flow. This is just a pure jamming track to get my feelings up. Hope you get some positive feelings from this too.

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80's Disco

80's born 07.05.2021


Jahtaamassa ja haastamassa 80-luvun tunnelmaa neljältä vuosikymmeneltä. Siitä ei ole mitään käryä, miten tämä kuulostaa edes etäisesti normaalilta 172 BPM.

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Don't look back 30.04.2021


Playing with C64- and Apple II -sounds.

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Deep House

Year Long Laugh 12.01.2021


There's always something to laugh about, and every morning is something to cherish..

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Dawai 18.12.2020


Russian bear and three stripes, little vodka, dawai dawai!

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Rise 18.12.2020


Something new, something old, but nothing to regret.

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Shitstroke 18.12.2020


When there's no words left and shit needs to be get done.

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Chill Out

After life 18.12.2020


There's always change to improve, and always change to get better in the future. But have you ever stoped just enjoying life? Have you just put everything else on hold for a moment, and just-take-your-time? You should because life has it's toll and time is ticking away..Tic...toc..

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Deep House

Ansa 18.12.2020


My friend send me a link that I should take a note how to make music. I did, but I know I'm not a best of the best. so fuck it. I do it myself and everyone who find there a hint of love.

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Silence Is Better Than Bullshit 18.12.2020


I love synthwave and tried to make a best of it. Just having fun and make life 80'erish

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Twitch 18.12.2020


Last year has been an interesting one. So much more sadness than laughter. So I got my balls together and made myself a chill power song!

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Leaving Body 04.03.2017


Dark history from the dark 90's

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Chill Out

Estrellas 04.09.2009


Ihan vaan kahden illan projekti, tunnustelua

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