Dark Metal

Beautiful Flesh 29.11.2019


First single from our upcoming full length album!!!

-   0 106 kuuntelua
Symphonic Black Metal

The Chapel Of The False Believes 08.05.2011


Lyrics: Pauli & Otto

The priest has come back again to the church to fullfil all his dirty dreams
Sick old man with his rotten soul
Messiah by appreance, pervert from his mind
He pretended to be good and kind, but we were so blind

Death his sentenced for, cursed by the others
Yet still there's no end of this twisted game/s
Blasphemy, fear, agony, screams in the night
Pain, sorrow, blood, where all the hope is gone

He lights a torch, but it's still so dark
Only broken tombstones to see so far
It's getting so cold..
And there's no way out from here!

Is it demon, or holy saint
A holy...

8.4   2 1480 kuuntelua
Symphonic Black Metal

The Six Deadly Creatures 08.05.2011


Lyrics: Pauli

Deadly dawn is rising again, you can feel the creeps in your head
Blood red sun is filling the sky, everyone knows that someone must die
Six creatures has/have risen again, six fearsome demons from the otherworld
Bloodhunger predators from the underworld!

The nightmare have come to your town, bringing death here all around
Heads on the spears, guts on the walls, rotten bodies as far as you can see
The six have started feeding their needs, killing and eating everything they can see
Death is no more an option, death is the only way to get out of here

After the slaughter,...

8.5   7 754 kuuntelua
Melodic Death

The Ruins Of The Abandoned Curch 20.08.2011


lyrics: Otto

Why my dream brought me here, to ruins of this abandoned church
Gates are broken, there's nothing left of walls, maybe death has taken it's toll

And as I step inside through the doors, a distant voice tells me to turn and run
But I'm too afraid to leave, I want to know, is this only a dream or is this for real

Everything have been brought down to ground
Statues, window's glass and even the roof
But then I hear a dreaded scream from upstairs
I don't want to be here anymore, I want to go out into rain

I cannot stay, I want to end all of this madness
Someone is chasing me, as...

8   0 489 kuuntelua
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